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Need help on postal code 2016/5/11 11:17
Hi guys, thanks for your time. Here is my thing.

So, I have a friend who is studying in Japan. Her birthday is coming soon, the reason why I wanna send her some gifts through post office service. So far I only have the address of her apartment. It is kinda full from ward to city, the only thing missing is the postal code. So can u guys please help me with?

Here is the address

Delco Homes, 2-10-19 Befu, Minami-ku, Fukuoka-shi

Thank you very much. I hope u guys have a nice day.

Thanks again.
by Irezumi Huynh  

Re: Need help on postal code 2016/5/11 12:23
You wrote the address seems to be wrong.
Here it seems to be correct.
Delco Homes, 2-10-19 Befu ,Jonan-ku, Fukuoka-shi
Postal number is 814-0104.
by haro1210 rate this post as useful

Re: Need help on postal code 2016/5/11 12:51
@haro1210: Thanks for the information but I found the address right on the school's website (YMCA Fukuoka school). This is the address I copy from the site.

2-10-19 Befu, Minami-ku, Fukuoka-city

Also, on my friend's luggage, I was her writing to look like Minami-ku in Japanese (I don't know Japanese, I just look it up and translate). So I am really confused now :(
by Irezumi Huynh rate this post as useful

Re: Need help on postal code 2016/5/11 12:55
@haro1210: Oh wait, hold on, I just double check and saw this

she wrote "" instead of "" now I think I missed the first letter. So can u please help me that is it true cause the information posted by the school was in Minami, still the one on her luggage was Jonan. Really appreciated
by Irezumi Huynh rate this post as useful

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