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Selling a bicycle in Kanazawa 2016/5/11 17:45

One month ago I bought one of those bicycles without gears here in Kanazawa, but in the beggining of June I'm moving to nagoya.

I checked how much it would cost to send it to nagoya by a transportation company, but it's too expensive, and since I'm going by bus I can't take it with me.

Anyone knows a store or other place where I can sell it here in Kanazawa?
by scarez  

Re: Selling a bicycle in Kanazawa 2016/5/11 19:51
Benri-ya neko-no-te
1-4-47 Tenjin-machi, Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture
Please try to contact us in advance to this E-MAIL.
Off House Kanazawa Kami-Moroe shop
183-1 Moroe-machi kamicho, Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture
Hokuriku Railroad Asanogawa Line Kamimoroe a 4-minute walk 8 minutes 299 No. along the drive from the Railway Station
by haro1210 rate this post as useful

Re: Selling a bicycle in Kanazawa 2016/5/11 19:53
by haro1210 rate this post as useful

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