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Where can I buy Dollfies in Fukuoka? 2016/5/15 11:45
Places not too expensive, please.
by Tsukino Aria  

Re: Where can I buy Dollfies in Fukuoka? 2016/5/15 22:56
are you saying this ?
in Fukuoka
天神, イオンショッパーズ福岡店6階
at Tenjin, Aeon shoppers Fukuoka 6F.
by ken (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Where can I buy Dollfies in Fukuoka? 2016/5/18 08:43
You can also try the Fukuoka Mandarake:

To see if they have any used ABJDs. The selection varies because Mandarake is a store selling mostly pre-owned goods. You can get lucky or see nothing of interest.

I don't know what your definition of "not too expensive" is, used Japanese brand dolls are certainly sometimes lower priced than via sales sites in the US, but they are still what many people would define as expensive.

The Korean and Chinese brand dolls often cost more than they would cost direct from the companies or used on a reputable website. The big plus is you can actually see the dolls in person and when buying clothes or wigs, paying 20% more is still cheaper than paying International shipping.

If you're referring to the plastic 1/6 size dollfies, yes they are generally cheaper.
by rkold rate this post as useful

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