Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Inquiry on Online Lump-sum Application Status 2016/5/15 13:14

I have filed and sent my application for my lump-sum withdrawal last March 27, 2016 but I wonder how will I know if there is any problem with regards to my submiited documents. I tried to ask a favor from a friend who is currently residing in Japan to call the number provided but I think its more approriate if I'll be the one to ask for any feedback maybe via email or online.

This just to make sure that I have submitted the correct requirements/documents and to know as well how long
this request will be processed since communication is hard for me who already left japan.

I'm looking forward to your response.

Thank you!

Sincerely your,

by Kurisutofaa (guest)  

Re: Inquiry on Online Lump-sum Application Status 2016/5/15 22:44
it may take a relatively long time for 3-4 months or more.
if you follow their instruction correctly, it should be no problem.
I can say : the key point is that you did remove your residential status at city office, when you left Japan. I believe, they will confirm that you did it. if you forgot to do so, you are still in Japan in the city office record. your status is conflicting.
by ken (guest) rate this post as useful

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