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Visa for volunteer work exchange? 2016/5/19 19:24
Hello guys :)
I'm planning on travelling Japan while doing some volunteer help exchange (Workaway, Helpx). The work is mostly helping with cleaning the hostel/Guesthouse and is completely without salary. So in exchange for helping out I only get free accommodation.

I'm sure some of you have heard of it before, therefore I wanted to ask you about the visa needed for such volunteer work? I have a hunch that visa waiver/tourist visa would be enough, but I'd like to be absolutely sure before I plan my trip any further. :)

I would also like to hear about your workaway/helpx/wwoofing experiences! :)
by Sumire (guest)  

Re: Visa for volunteer work exchange? 2016/5/19 21:14
What is your citizenship and how long do you intend to stay in Japan?
by Firas rate this post as useful

Re: Visa for volunteer work exchange? 2016/5/20 03:59
I am a Finn and I've been in Japan on a tourist visa before. This time I'm planning to stay for 2 month.
by Sumire909 (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Visa for volunteer work exchange? 2016/5/20 04:15
Then just enter visa-free, no problem as long as long as you don't do paid work.
by Firas rate this post as useful

Re: Visa for volunteer work exchange? 2016/5/20 04:34
Thank you for answering :) That's a relief.
by Sumire909 (guest) rate this post as useful

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