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Real-estate loans to non-residents 2016/5/20 00:23

I would like to buy a house in Japan with my Japanese wife.

I am living in Europe now and we are both non-residents.

Do you know a Japanese or international bank that lends to non-residents?

Thanks in advance

by Phanou toshi (guest)  

Re: Real-estate loans to non-residents 2016/5/23 12:41

While it is indeed possible for Japanese banks to lend to foreigners, the loan applications are usually made through real estate companies like mine. We sign a contract with the client and then make the loan application in their name.

It's very difficult to get a loan all by yourself since the banks would have very little recourse in case of trouble.

If you don't mind paying higher interest rates, you could also try getting a loan with an international bank such as this one.
by S King rate this post as useful

Re: Real-estate loans to non-residents 2016/5/23 15:51
You need to get a loan in the country you reside in. It is really a question for a bank and not the internet.
by hakata14 rate this post as useful

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