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Pay for an internship in Japan? 2016/5/20 02:17
Hi everyone,

I stumbled on some website and forums where they suggest to partecipate for an internship program in Japan. It would be good, if it wasn't for that "little" particular that I have to pay to get an internship in Japan.

I don't like the idea to pay for having the opportunity to work. Unfortunately, I am not elegible to obtain a working holiday visa (my country is not part of the countries that are elegible to obtain working holiday visa), so I need to be sponsorized from a company or I need to enroll on a language school (but I don't have enough money) to go in Japan.

I don't know if I can trust those companies who suggest those internships (like for example) or I don't know what to do...

Sorry for the grammar form of this post, but I am not a native speaker in English.

by Fiorella (guest)  

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