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Japanese TV clock 2016/5/23 12:47
I don't know if it's my TV box (i don't live in Japan), but why does the afternoon (12:30pm) is listed as 0:30 on the news? is this correct?
by yuukun (guest)  

Re: Japanese TV clock 2016/5/23 20:00
Both 0:30pm and 12:30pm are commonly used in Japan, and considered correct.

I don't know what you mean by "TV box" but if you're watching TV and it says 0:30 on the screen, you obviously know if it's am or pm.

By the way, when TV shows air old footage, they blur out the time indication to avoid confusion.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Japanese TV clock 2016/5/24 13:14
Thanks Uco, that's what I thought. Cheers!
by yuukun (guest) rate this post as useful

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