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Own private lessons for kids 2016/5/25 20:11
I have heard of renting out a space and people doing classes for kids there like once a week. Has anyone done this?

I was wondering about tax issues, and if I have a Japanese friend doing it with me. I would like to do it all legal.

Thank you.
by donnysf  

Re: Own private lessons for kids 2016/5/25 23:40
What visa or residence status do you hold?
by . (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Own private lessons for kids 2016/5/26 18:10
I hold a 3 year Specialty in Humanities Visa, and work at a good place that can renew my visa. Thanks
by donnysf rate this post as useful

Re: Own private lessons for kids 2016/5/27 04:18
If you are already working then the bigger issue, I think, is about your employer letting you have a second job
As far as tax is concerned, it should be simple process to add your additional income from lesson during your year end adjustment form, so that you pay income tax on that income
by . (guest) rate this post as useful

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