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Buy antibacterial body soap 2016/5/29 14:23
I need to buy an antibacterial soap for body/shower, either block or liquid. Could anyone kindly post links to the kind of products that would be suitable so that I can buy online or print out and take to the local pharmacy. Thanks!
by May (guest)  

Re: Buy antibacterial body soap 2016/5/31 20:25
Here's a website for Muse for your reference:

by Hirohiroboy rate this post as useful

Re: Buy antibacterial body soap 2016/6/1 09:28
Is there any particular reason that the soap must be anti-bacterial as opposed to normal soap?
by Zarf (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buy antibacterial body soap 2016/6/1 20:17
Zarf. Why would that even be relevant...??
by May (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buy antibacterial body soap 2016/6/2 08:41
Why is it relevant? Because constant use of a weak anti-bacterial soap does nothing except strengthen the strains of bacteria by only killing off the weaker ones. Same as the overuse of antibiotics.

Unless you're using something like Phisohex or Septisol, which is only recommended for occasionally washing your hands and arms (such as before surgery), you're not killing all the bugs. Overuse of these stronger soaps (especially those with hexachlorophine) have been shown to cause brain damage and are more tightly controlled in both Europe and the US as a result.
by Anaguma (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buy antibacterial body soap 2016/6/2 18:24

I'll never feel safe taking a shower ever again...
by Ady (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buy antibacterial body soap 2016/7/7 09:39
There have also been tests done comparing the effectiveness of anti-bacterial soaps vs normal soap. The difference = none-at-all. If you are just washing your hands or showering, normal soap will do the same job. Unless you are performing surgery, anti-bacterial soap is overkill. Also, most anti-bacterial agents are not biodegradable, as the the bio-agents are bacteria in the first place, so they will persist in the environment.
by Zarf (guest) rate this post as useful

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