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Can I claim tax from my first year in Japan? 2016/5/30 11:02
I have lived in Japan for just over one year now. I was originally on the working holiday visa and then I got married so I'm now on the spousal visa.

I have heard many different things about being able to claim tax back from the first year here but nobody seems to be able to give me solid information.

I visited two tax offices and both of them didn't really know anything about it. After a week one of the tax offices phoned back and said I had to go back to the UK and that was it. No further details.

If anybody has any info, it would be appreciated.
by Scotsman898  

Re: Can I claim tax from my first year in Japan? 2016/5/30 13:55
The resident tax is determined based on the previous year's income, so in the first year you probably didn't have to pay the tax.

If you are in your second year in Japan, you'll now have basis for the resident tax, so you will get taxed based on last year's income. I don't know how you can claim back something you didn't have to pay then.

You can claim the pension contribution you've made for some years upon leaving Japan, but that is really when you are leaving Japan.
by ....... (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Can I claim tax from my first year in Japan? 2016/5/30 14:06
I paid 20% in tax last year. And I know of people who have managed to claim it back but it was some years ago and they can't remember how.
by Scotsman898 rate this post as useful

Re: Can I claim tax from my first year in Japan? 2016/5/30 19:01
There are a lot of different taxes. Are you talking about income tax?
by scarreddragon rate this post as useful

Re: Can I claim tax from my first year in Japan? 2016/5/31 04:08
You need to get your terminology right buddy.. You are confusing hell lot of people including Japanese tax authorities

First please speicify clearly if it's income tax, residence tax or pension you are taking about
Since you mentioned 20% my guess is what you are talking about is income tax and you were taxed as non resident, this would make sense because initially you were supposed to be in Japan for a shorter period, that being the case there is no adjustment done to non resident tax - what ever is paid is paid
Ask your spouse to check your gensenchosyohou it mentiones what type of tax is being paid
by . (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Can I claim tax from my first year in Japan? 2016/5/31 08:43
Were your tax payment deducted from your wages ?
Or was it paid when you file in your tax return ?

Never head of claiming back/refund on your paid tax.. except that you can claim back 20% tax that was made when you take the lump sump pension payment.

by ..E (guest) rate this post as useful

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