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Should I be concerned? 2016/6/9 05:03
Hello. Next week I'll be going to Japan for a six week visit in which I will stay with a host family and attend high school. I'm 5'4 and I weigh 160 pounds. I was wondering if I should be worried that I'll be out of place or get talked about, because I've heard about this happening to even slightly overweight people who go there. Am I worrying for nothing?

by ElizabethRen  

Re: Should I be concerned? 2016/6/9 10:01
You shouldn't be concerned over what other people may think. Be yourself. If people have any issues, they will most likely keep it to themselves and not be overt in any reaction. I've seen people that aren't the stereotypical thin Japanese person, so don't worry and enjoy the heck out of those 6 weeks! How people treat you is their karma, how you react is yours!
by John B digs Japan rate this post as useful

Re: Should I be concerned? 2016/6/9 10:51
This is really not the best place to ask about such things, because very few people here are living in Japan, and fewer yet are familiar with high school social dynamics (as illustrated above, I dare say). Maybe with some luck Uco will see this, but otherwise I don't think you'll get a helpful answer.
by Firas rate this post as useful

Re: Should I be concerned? 2016/6/9 11:14
Well, since I'm not an EXPERT on all things Japan (as others appear to be), I can only describe my own experiences. I've never had any issues, though HS was a long time ago and I'm nearly twice as old as the poster above. I don't care what people say or think anymore. So maybe I am not the person to give you any advice.
by John B digs Japan rate this post as useful

Re: Should I be concerned? 2016/6/9 18:07
Well, I'm not really "familiar with high school social dynamics." My boy graduated high school years ago, which means that it's been decades since I graduated.

But here is a list of the most popular chubby female TV talents in Japan. The OP would be 162cm tall and weigh 72kg, which might help her understand the figures of these pretty girls. The percentages shown are their body fat percentage.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Should I be concerned? 2016/6/9 21:38
well, you will lose some pounds after 6 weeks stay in Japan.
it is the hot and humid season in Japan.
by ken (guest) rate this post as useful

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