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Doing TESOL, hoping to teach in Japan 2016/6/9 16:10

I'm from India, but I can speak English at the perfect native level. I'm at the end of my TESOL course, and starting to look for jobs. What sort of jobs can I get in Japan? Is there a chance for an Indian girl to get a job there?
I can speak conversational Japanese somewhat, but since I self learnt I'm not as fluent yet. I will take up Japanese classes properly after I finish my TESOL.
Where should I search? Are schools a good option? Do they have adult education there in Japan?
atashi ni dekiru shigoto imasu kana... nihon de shigoto shitain desu, nihon no koto ga daisuki desu. douka, tetsudatte kudasai, kanshashimasu ^^

by Shumayla (guest)  

Re: Doing TESOL, hoping to teach in Japan 2016/6/9 18:58
Did you receive 12 years of education entirely in English?
by Firas rate this post as useful

Re: Doing TESOL, hoping to teach in Japan 2016/6/9 22:18
Do you have a degree?
by Dainichi Heater rate this post as useful

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