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Salary gap between Tokyo and Kansai Area 2016/6/13 18:47

I have a job offer from a company in Kyoto, but it is lower than my current salary in Tokyo, I have heard that especially housing prices in the Kansai area are cheaper and the salary seems also be the lower, does someone know how big the gap is?

Also in this company the bonus is super high, (like 3 times the monthly salary twice a year), so I wonder if it is a healthy company, will they normally pay the full bonus?
by CityHunter1981  

Re: Salary gap between Tokyo and Kansai Area 2016/6/13 20:49
Cost of living differences by region are often less than people think. I read an article not long ago which talked about how the differences in minimum wage between prefectures was significantly greater than the actual cost of living differences.
by Harimogura rate this post as useful

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