Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Multiple Entry Visa and Student Visa 2016/6/14 23:10

I will be studying in Japan this autumn and am currently in the process of waiting for my Certificate of Eligibility to be issued. I have a 5-year multiple entry visa that expires on 2020. My question is, once my student visa is granted, will my ME visa be voided? Or is it possible for me to use my ME visa even though I have a student visa?

Thanks for the help!
by studyante (guest)  

Re: Multiple Entry Visa and Student Visa 2016/6/15 10:59
Do you mean multiple entry "temporary visitor" visa?

Once you get your student visa, and enter Japan using that, you will be on student status, not temporary visitor.
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: Multiple Entry Visa and Student Visa 2016/6/15 11:27
That dorsn't answer the question. Until 2020 is a long time; what if for example OP wants to use his multi-entry visa after the dnd of his study course?
by Firas rate this post as useful

Re: Multiple Entry Visa and Student Visa 2016/6/15 12:43
Instead of barking at me just for clarifying the question, Firas, why don't you come back when you know the answer?
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: Multiple Entry Visa and Student Visa 2016/6/15 13:43
Yes, it's a multiple entry temporary visit visa.

So, is it possible for me to have 2 valid visas at the same time?
by studyante (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Multiple Entry Visa and Student Visa 2016/6/15 18:00
I think it would be better if you contact your local Japanese embassy in your country as they will best know the answer to your question.
by ami (guest) rate this post as useful

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