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Sofa and Permanent Residence 2016/6/17 06:31
Hi all!
I haven't been able to find much information out there about this so I hope that I can find someone who has some experience with this. I'm an American citizen with Japanese permanent residency. I've been living in the US for about two years now, I have a valid re-entry permit and residence card. My fiancée is most likely being sent out as a civilian worker this fall and we are planning for me and our daughter (dual Japanese/us citizen from my first marriage) to be included on his orders. From what I can understand I should still be able to keep my PR and have sofa at the same time which means I'm still eligible to get a jumping to, work In Japan and entitled to health benefits etc? I'd like to know if anyone else has been in a similar situation and how it worked out with immigration etc? I am not sure if this is similar to what Japanese citizen spouses that have sofa do, so any information before we start this process would be appreciated.
by Sasadango888  

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