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Tax laws for private English lessons 2016/6/21 20:02
What are the laws about doing private tutoring lessons in Japan? I have a full time job but for some extra money and experience I would like to start doing private adult lessons.

But I'm fearful that I need to claim it etc. But I'm not sure how to do that in Japan, also I'm hoping if it's under a certain amount I won't have to do anything.

Thank you
by donnysf  

Re: Tax laws for private English lessons 2016/6/22 15:14
probably 雑所得. if it is more than 200,000 yen per year, you are requested to file it to tax office with your salary.
by ken (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Tax laws for private English lessons 2016/6/22 16:31
Thank you. I heard that somewhere too. So I could collect the money which I make in cash and then if it ends up being over 2000 then i have to go to somewhere to get some paper work or something? lol these things confuse me so much.

Thanks again!!
by donnysf rate this post as useful

Re: Tax laws for private English lessons 2016/6/22 17:05
What status are you on? If it's a work-related one such as Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/etc., private work is not allowed.
by Firas rate this post as useful

Re: Tax laws for private English lessons 2016/6/22 17:24
Yes its a specialist in Humanities. Thank you for the information. May I ask where you read or heard that?

Thanks again!!
by donnysf rate this post as useful

Re: Tax laws for private English lessons 2016/6/22 17:35
The scope of activities permitted under Specialist in Humanities status in defined thus (emphasis mine):

"Activities to engage in services, which require knowledge pertinent to jurisprudence, economics, sociology or other human science fields or to engage in services which require specific ways of thinking or sensitivity acquired through experience with foreign culture, based on a contract with a public or private organization in Japan."
by Firas rate this post as useful

Re: Tax laws for private English lessons 2016/6/22 17:47
Thank you. But "based on" sounds like the main part of your work. Maybe my interpretation is wrong but it doesn't sound like it is saying it's explicitly against thr rules. Thanks!
by donnysf rate this post as useful

Re: Tax laws for private English lessons 2016/6/22 17:50
Your interpretation is wrong. Engaging in any activity that does not fall under this definition is forbidden (unless one has obtained permission to engage in other activities).
by Firas rate this post as useful

Re: Tax laws for private English lessons 2016/6/22 17:56
Okay thanks a lot!
by donnysf rate this post as useful

Re: Tax laws for private English lessons 2016/6/23 09:15
If it is not under your contract then it is not covered.

You are engaging in a private enterprise (working for yourself/self employed) and that is in no way the same as working for someone else which is your current visa.

by JapanCustomTours rate this post as useful

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