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Multiple Sources of Income - Visa Change 2016/6/23 12:08

This is probably a really obvious question, but is it acceptable to mark multiple sources of income on my Residence Status Change application?

This is my situation. I am currently on a work visa, but my job contract ends in August at the same time my current visa expires. I am also due to give birth in August. I got married last year and didn't change my residence status to spouse immediately, so I am trying to do that now before my contract ends and baby is born.

I am going to get income from my job until August, plus my husband's income, plus some money my family is sending to help us out while I'm out of work. So technically that's three sources of income, though my self-provided income will stop in August. Should I write all three? Should I not include the income that will end in August?

Any advice? Thanks so much.
by oiwai  

Re: Multiple Sources of Income - Visa Change 2016/6/23 20:40
if the document ask "family income", it should be a sum of your and your husband incomes.
if the document ask "your income", it should be restricted to only your earning, not including the money sent from your parents and your husband income.
in both cases, the money sent from your parents is not "income".
I think you apply a spouse visa. generally speaking, if your husband income is high enough, you have no problem to get the visa. (even if your income is zero.)
I think they request the official certificates of your and your husband's incomes. the incomes shown in those documents are the last years incomes.
you don't need to worry about, because it is very common that a wife may quit her job, when she gets a baby.(so, her income becomes zero.)
by ken (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Multiple Sources of Income - Visa Change 2016/6/23 22:21
The actual term used in the change of status application form is "support" (支弁), not "income". It seems to basically include all sources of funds.
by Firas rate this post as useful

Re: Multiple Sources of Income - Visa Change 2016/6/23 23:24
Thank you for the responses.

I am indeed filling out the form Firas linked. I just wasn't sure if marking multiple sources of support under Item 20 was acceptable, or if I should just stick to one check box per item. Plus with my job ending, that self support will dwindle.

Unfortunately, I make more money than my husband, thus why my family is helping out while I'm out of work. I am worried that without my income, it would look like a situation where we are barely scraping by. And ya know, once our savings is spent, we will be at that point, but obviously I'm worried that won't seem favorable to immigration.
by oiwai rate this post as useful

Re: Multiple Sources of Income - Visa Change 2016/6/24 00:24
if you apply it right now, your job quitting is your FUTURE plan. it not yet has occurred.
how much is your husband annual income ?
how much money do your parents give you ?
by ken (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Multiple Sources of Income - Visa Change 2016/6/24 01:32
Oiwai- fill the income as it stands today, don't worry if it's changing in future- any one can lose job in future
Just remember that you have to substantiate it with documents like tax return-
So whatever is on tax returns use that figure- unless you have other documents like employment certificate etc
by ... (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Multiple Sources of Income - Visa Change 2016/6/24 09:13
Thank you guys again.

I have copies of my employment contract as well as statements of my income. And I have plans on Tuesday to get copies of our tax paperwork, plus discuss my income tax payments this year (so expensive!), as I understand once I am unemployed, my due payment may change. I also have been paying into unemployment insurance so I am hoping that after some visits to Hello Work I'll be able to get a little bit of income from that as well.

Anyways, I'm taking away that listing all our financial support as of the moment I apply to change my Residence Status is the best way to go?
by oiwai rate this post as useful

Re: Multiple Sources of Income - Visa Change 2016/6/24 15:33
"as I understand once I am unemployed, my due payment may change."
my due payment of what ?
residential tax, no change because that tax is determined on the basis of your last year income.
income tax of the last year, already paid. completed.
income tax of this year. you have to file tax return in 2017.
if you are in the employer's health insurance, you need to take some paperwork to change it.

unemployment insurance: you may not be eligible to get the benefit, because you are pregnant. the benefit will be postponed for one or two years, until your baby becomes one years old (or 2 years old, you may ask Hello Work.)

if you are a 正社員, there is another option in which you can get holiday (vacation) by the reason of pregnant and baby born.
I don't know precisely how that system works for contract-based workers.
by ken (guest) rate this post as useful

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