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Changing Tenants Under a Company Contract 2016/6/25 19:45
I started working a few months ago for an eikaiwa, but due to a lot of personal problems, am seriously considering giving my notice. The issue is that the company put a lot of money into my apartment, and there's no way I could pay the approximately three grand it would cost to cancel the lease.

The apartment is leased under the company, with me as the tenant. Am I correct in thinking that the company could simply bring on a new tenant under the same contract, and thus avoid paying the cancelation fees? Since I'm not the official leaseholder, it seems like that's possible?
by Meagan (guest)  

Re: Changing Tenants Under a Company Contract 2016/6/26 10:42
it depends on case by case.
do you want to change the job, or the apartment ?
by ken (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Changing Tenants Under a Company Contract 2016/6/26 11:50
Since the OP is saying "giving notice," I assume it is about leaving the job.

You might want to Che k your employment contract to see what it says about quitting. And does it say anything about you having to pay any penalty fee??

About the apartment lease contract, that depends on how it was set up. The company might have gotten a lease contract where it can use the apartment to house any of its employees, or just for that specific tenant.
by ... (guest) rate this post as useful

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