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Looking for a job in Tokyo 2016/6/27 11:20
Hi guys! You are my last chance! I'm Moroccan , and desperately looking for a job in Tokyo !
I have 2 Bachelor Degrees ! One in IT, another in International Business , plus an Mba ! I can speak fluently three languages (English , French and Arabic)! There must be something i can do with all this here in Japan !
Yet My Japanese is very weak (I'm constantly Learning it)! I've been applying here and there many times without any success!
Any ideas or help from you guys are welcomed ! = (

Thanks in Advance !
by MoroccanGekko  

Re: Looking for a job in Tokyo! 2016/6/27 13:15
ever look at the jobs on ?
It seems to be a good place to find a job.
by Rutherford rate this post as useful

Re: Looking for a job in Tokyo! 2016/6/27 13:24
Thank you for your answer !
I'm checking Gaijinpot , Craigslist , LinkedIn... And many others on a daily basis if not on hourly Basis .
It's been 4 months that I'm applying resumes , yet with no success and Not a single Interview so far!!!
by MoroccanGekko rate this post as useful

Re: Looking for a job in Tokyo! 2016/6/27 13:44
You may want to try what others seem to do...go there and teach English, while teaching English, apply for other jobs in Japan, if you're in the country, you're more likely to get a interview then if not in Japan.
by Rutherford rate this post as useful

Re: Looking for a job in Tokyo 2016/6/27 14:44
Actually , I am living right now in Tokyo ! I'm on (Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services) Visa , that will end by February 2017 !
I came here at first as an Mba intern in a small Japanese Marketing company Based In Tokyo and owned by two japanese ppl !
Unfortunately I was told the first day , that the company is very small and can't afford to pay me higher than 1000 yen the hour! and that i should look somewhere else to find a better job after my internship with them , something that suits better my qualifications! Since then (4 months ago), i started my researches !
My main task during The internship was to create around 4 english (html , wordpress) websites to them and their customers! Which is what i did , then i quit !

Then my (French) wife who is fluent in japanese , joined me in here! And she didn't spend much of time to find a full time job! Lol

I have tried applying for teaching positions as well ! But apparently , recruiters have more preferences for Americans , British when it comes to teaching , even though my accent is not bad at all ! and my bachelor and mba degrees are from british universities !
by MoroccanGekko rate this post as useful

Re: Looking for a job in Tokyo 2016/6/27 15:22
Well you told us the problem....what is your wife, that you're not?.
by Rutherford rate this post as useful

Re: Looking for a job in Tokyo 2016/6/27 16:10
Indeed , Japanese is mandatory most of the times! But i mean c'mon!!! it can not be the case all the time!
I'm pretty sure there are some ppl out there who have somehow managed to find a job without Japanese! If i can be one of these ppl ! i'll be the happiest man on earth !
some companies names? some hidden recruitment websites? some agencies for foreigners...! Anything that i could try ?!
by MoroccanGekko rate this post as useful

Re: Looking for a job in Tokyo! 2016/6/27 16:17
She is French, you are Moroccan.
Yes there can be some discrimination here...

She is a "she"
you are a "he"
girls tends to get job faster ...

try these few website :

I found a job recently, and it took me few month, almost years ...
and I speak decent Japanese and I have 10Y experience in IT as well as bachelor in IT...

Good luck !
by french-dude (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Looking for a job in Tokyo 2016/6/27 16:21
Ok !! Thank you guys Anyway for your help! I appreciate!
by MoroccanGekko rate this post as useful

Re: Looking for a job in Tokyo 2016/6/27 17:09
sometimes only brute force helps

* Search huge companies that might possible interest you (probably best foreign ones)
* go there directly without interview appointment having your references and everything at hand with you
* tell you wanna talk to the HR person
* they will say something about "kommaru" but sometimes you are lucky and get to the person
* explain your story, situation and apologize that you did rush in the way you did.
* most times they will send you away but sometimes you get a date for an interview
* show them what you did in past and hope to get hired
by Glimpigumpi rate this post as useful

Re: Looking for a job in Tokyo 2016/6/27 18:03
Thanks! Ganbarimasu!!
Hopefully i'll be luckier next time , and that i don't have to leave Japan that soon! i was hoping to start a new life in this beautiful country !
Apparently it's not that easy ! But i'll do my best!
by MoroccanGekko rate this post as useful

Re: Looking for a job in Tokyo 2016/6/27 20:27
If I was you, I would rather go to a school and spend an year or so learning Japanese
I don't know your finances but you said your wife has a job in Tokyo
Being in IT and knowing Japanese can get you Job very easily

If that's not an option then you need to identify some specific area of IT you are good at, building website anyone can do
Can you work on IT security, automation, IoT, ERP?

Look for some IT specific recruiters like Micheal Page etc
by .... (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Looking for a job in Tokyo 2016/6/28 07:56
I don't think it's fair to complain that you can't get a job because of the language. You are in JAPAN, where the main language is JAPANESE. You should expect that knowing Japanese will help you get a job. It's like complaining that you can't find a job in France because you don't speak French, or in England because you don't speak English. Employers are going to look for people who can speak the language they themselves use.
by / (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Looking for a job in Tokyo 2016/6/28 09:42
For even the most basic job, you will have someone give you instructions in Japanese. They will expect you to be able to talk back, read and probably write (especially if you have to report to them). For example, serving on a counter at McDonalds or cleaning hotel rooms both require quite a lot of language.

For a technical job, expect to write and read at near native levels - if you are a professional, explaining difficult concepts, this needs to be clear to the perople/customers you have, and they will not know English/French/other.

No Japanese employer owes you any favours and they can get someone with native fluency and less headaches. That is why it is hard. There are, however, the occasional jobs that do come up, and you will be up against everyone else in a similar situation attempting to get that position.
by JapanCustomTours rate this post as useful

Re: Looking for a job in Tokyo 2016/6/28 10:41
Guys , please ! stop twisting what i've said! i've never complained about the country , the ppl or anything of the sort !!
I like japan and it's ppl ! And Japanese employers have the right to ask for whatever the language they want !
I've seen ppl from different backgrounds (including Japanese) working in morocco using french or english , And it never bothered moroccans ! even though the first languages over there are berber and arabic ! So i guess my question about finding a job in here without japanese was fair !

I just needed some infos , or names of companies known in japan for hiring foreign ppl...

(Rutherford spoke about teaching) , i guess i'll be focusing on that at the moment ! It's a bit hard to compete with english natives in this business ! But i'll try!
I've also made a profil on daijob (Thanks to the french dude)

If you don't know, please spare me your talking about what is right and what is wrong , i just needed something to survive until i learn proper Japanese!
by MoroccanGekko rate this post as useful

Re: Looking for a job in Tokyo 2016/6/28 11:49
Everyone is just being honest, you asked why can't you get a job, everyone said it's because of the language and you tell everyone to stop and go easy on you.

Dont ask if you don't want the truth.
by Rutherford rate this post as useful

Re: Looking for a job in Tokyo 2016/6/28 12:53
Which truth you're talking about Mr Obvious!? Duuuh! Everybody knows that Japanese is essential in Japan! Thanks , but That is needless to say ! I'm absolutely aware of that ! You're just too dumb to understand the request ! -_- "
Whatever, i feel like i'm not going anywhere through this post !
Anyways , thanks for the interest guys!
by MoroccanGekko rate this post as useful

Re: Looking for a job in Tokyo 2016/6/28 13:26
"Japanese is mandatory most of the times! But i mean c'mon!!! it can not be the case all the time!"

Direct quote from you, seeming to complain that you need to be able to use the native language of the country you are job searching in. As others have said: not knowing fluent Japanese is holding you back from finding a job. If you improve your language ability, you will probably find it easier to get a job.
by / (guest) rate this post as useful

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