Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Note that this thread has not been updated in a long time, and its content might not be up-to-date anymore.

Incorrect Tax and what to do with forms 2016/6/29 18:07
At the beginning of this year, I went to file my taxes.

All went well, or so I thought until I got a letter one day telling me that I had done it wrong.

Basically I had forgotten to fill out one field which asked me to multiply the taxable amount by 2.1% or something like that.

So after some back and forth on the phone I finally got it all sorted out and they sent me another envelope with the new copies of the forms in it.

These new copies have the new calculations and I checked them over and everything is fine.

I need to send those new copies back to them in an envelope they provided, but they included one more thing that I'm not sure what to do with.

The thing I'm not sure about is that they included a 領収済通知書 which also says in brackets next to it 納付書.

It looks like a bill that you would normally pay at a convenience store, but it's been hand written and has no bar code etc to be scanned.

On one of the letters included they list the things they sent me, and one of them says:

So, does that mean I have to go to that place and pay it?

I'm confused because I already got my tax bills and I already paid half of them, so I don't want to pay this total amount all at once because it's not money I should be giving them; especially considering their new total is only 700 yen more than the total I gave them originally...

Has any one else had experience with this?
by Lucas89  

Re: Incorrect Tax and what to do with forms 2016/6/29 19:00
- Yes, the handwritten piece is a piece of paper you need to take either to the tax office or to a bank teller counter to pay.

- So did they send you the bill for the difference in income tax (700 yen) or did they send you the bills for the resident taxes based on your income?
by ....... (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Incorrect Tax and what to do with forms 2016/6/29 19:02
Sorry, after posting I realised I had got two things mixed up and that actually everything is fine.

I thought I deleted this thread but it seems to have still been posted anyway, so please ignore this :)
by Lucas89 rate this post as useful

Re: Incorrect Tax and what to do with forms 2016/6/29 19:07
Good you figured out and it was fine :)

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