Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Note that this thread has not been updated in a long time, and its content might not be up-to-date anymore.

car rental in hokkaido 2005/2/17 20:16
We have 7 people travelling in Hokkaido in July, we want to go to Sapporo, then Otaru, Noboribetsu and Furano to see the lavender farms. Is it cheaper to go by rental car or 3-day JR pass and then rent a car for travelling in Furano? Can we rent a car/van to fit 7 people?
by Rose  

... 2005/2/18 11:57
A rail pass won't pay off for your itinerary. It is cheaper to do it by single tickets. And even cheaper by highway bus (or a free shuttle bus between Sapporo and Noboribetsu, as offered by some hotels in Noboribetsu).

Last but not least, I think that a rental car could actually be the cheapest option, if there are 7 of you. Furthermore, a rental car is by far the most convenient means of transport to get around.

A mini van for 7 people should be available. If not, two smaller cars could still be quite economical.
by Uji rate this post as useful

3 days? 2005/2/18 11:57
By the way, are you planning to cover the four cities in just 3 days? That would not be recommended!
by Uji rate this post as useful

Thanks 2005/2/18 16:25
Thanks Uji, we are planning to travel 4 cities in a week to 10 days, I was just wondering if a mix of JR pass and driving would be cheaper (also a bit worried about not able to read the road signs in Japanese). But thanks for your advice, I think driving should be cheaper for 7 of us.
by Rose rate this post as useful

... 2005/2/19 12:08
also a bit worried about not able to read the road signs in Japanese

All the important signs are in either internationally understandable symbols or bilingual (Japanese/English).
by Uji rate this post as useful

To Uji san 2005/3/3 00:27
Is it advisible to use navigation system when renting cars in Hokkaido ?

by Yueyun rate this post as useful

getting lost is sometimes fun but.... 2005/3/3 02:32
While getting lost is sometimes more fun than getting where you were going I would choose the navigation system, since getting lost when you can't understand the roadsigns can lead to lengthy delays.

I am myself going to rent a car for 6 days in hokkaido in early june and as I recall the navigation system is a pretty low priced option. (at least for club tocoo)

And to add a question of my own. Does anyone know where I could find a table of driving distances in hokkaido on the net? It would help a lot in planning my trip to know how long I have to drive each day.
by tsaranen rate this post as useful

Just drop a few lines for you 2005/3/3 10:43
If you can read maps on mapion, you can use the nevigation system as it is basically in Japanese.

And July is a busy season for Furano and be ready to have long queues of cars lining up for the lavander farms.

If you want to look at a site for driving in Hokkaido in nglish you may be interested in the following one:
by Chris rate this post as useful

Rent-a-car i Hokkaido 2005/3/20 05:06
Can anybody advise me a rent-a-car office in hokkaido, having an english website or where a fax contact in English is possible ? Thanks
by Marina rate this post as useful

... 2005/3/20 11:43
Club Tocoo offers the best car rental rates nationwide (which I am aware of) and provides an online reservation interface in English:
by Uji rate this post as useful

tocoo 2006/5/29 10:55
Does anyone has the email or fax number of tocoo so that I can do some enquires?

by fiona rate this post as useful

Tocoo Fees 2007/8/23 20:39
I think Tocoo was discussed already several times, but it still isn't very clear for me...
If you make a simulation to see the price, is this the final price? Or is there some kind of commission or tax to add to it?
One more question, does anybody know the number of Kilometers from Kushiro to Sapporo, to calculate the dropp off charge?
by Kali rate this post as useful

Nav System 2007/8/24 01:41
The nav system in our rental car, which we picked up in Sapporo, was in Japanese only. Not a problem since my wife is Japanese, but if you can't read kanji, it would be a big problem!
by cf rate this post as useful

... 2007/8/25 08:30
does anybody know the number of Kilometers from Kushiro to Sapporo, to calculate the dropp off charge?

About 348 kilometers by train. The linear distance between the two cities would be several kilometers shorter.
by Uji rate this post as useful

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