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Liniment Oil (or muscle pain relievers) 2016/7/10 23:24
Hi. Are there any brand of liniment oil (or stronger) or any applied muscle pain relievers available in Japan? Would you know where to find it?

I don't want to happen what happened the last time I went to Japan. I mean I was prepared for all the walks but muscle pains were inevitable! So I asked those convenient stores (Family Mart, 7-11 or Lawson) and even Don Quijote and said they don't have the liniment oil. I only settled for salonpas patch that never worked! I vivdly remembered when I the saw other tourists who have the same plight I believe as I was that the patches were already wearing off their feet!

This story may be funny (even myself telling it out) but I would appreciate your feedback. Thanks.
by stikiting  

Re: Liniment Oil (or muscle pain relievers) 2016/7/12 07:06
I think you need to go to a Drugstore like Matsumoto Kiyoshi. There are lo ts around and they stock everything. There is a big one in Shibuya. I bought a smallish tube of a bengay style product, cannot remember the name, but it had a small picture of heat coming off a limb.

Otherwise always travel with a tube you use at home, like Deep Heat, or Bengay. Yes, you certainly work your muscles hard in Japan, when you are not used to walking and using pubic transport so much in your home country.
by LoveJapan (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Liniment Oil (or muscle pain relievers) 2016/7/12 07:10
I had a second thought also, you could try a very good sports store for the oil or cream, as its used consistently by rugby players and other competitive sports players.
by LoveJapan (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Liniment Oil (or muscle pain relievers) 2016/7/12 09:57
go to a drugstore and ask for Tiger Balm

by .. (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Liniment Oil (or muscle pain relievers) 2016/7/12 17:47
So only in drugstores where I can buy one. Thank you all for your feedback.
by stikiting rate this post as useful

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