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Will my apartment grow mold? 2016/7/11 15:52
I live alone and I'm going overseas for one month in the middle of summer. My apartment is on the second level and heats up really fast. It's always really humid. I'm worried that as there will be nobody there to ventilate the apartment for such a long time, that the humidity might cause mold to grow on my furniture and clothes. The only secure window in my apartment lets in the rain when it's open, so I can't do that. I have some dehumidifying sheets and the plastic charcoal tubs that absorb humidity to put around my apartment, will this be sufficient? Are there any other products I can buy to keep down the humidity levels while I'm away?
by Jenn Jett (guest)  

Re: Will my apartment grow mold? 2016/7/12 06:21
by hakata14 rate this post as useful

Re: Will my apartment grow mold? 2016/7/12 07:45

I'm just back (admittedly only two weeks), and I have extra dust, that's all.
by JapanCustomTours rate this post as useful

Re: Will my apartment grow mold? 2016/7/12 08:32
if you worry about, leave turning on either bathroom fan or kitchen fan, when you are absent.
by ken (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Will my apartment grow mold? 2016/7/12 16:47
It depends on where you live and the specific conditions. I know people who have had particularly poorly ventilated apartments who came back from long summer holidays to a bit of mold, but it usually wasn't too bad. You can help by taking ken's advice and leaving your kitchen and bathroom fans on (if you have them) and by cleaning up before you leave (also helps avoid cockroaches). Also make sure your laundry is dry and maybe throw in a couple extra dehumidifiers with your clothes to be safe.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

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