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Air-conditioning or spot cooling system 2016/8/1 16:57
Hi, i am currently living in japan.
I need advice on what to do. Currently i am living in an older style house, which doesn't have very good ventilation or any possibility to really cool down with fans. Getting a window or propper air-condition installed is out of the question.

So what other low cost options are there? whats the difference between a spot cooler and an air-conditioner? Any help would be appreciated!
by MiaRose (guest)  

Re: Air-conditioning or spot cooling system 2016/8/1 20:20

read the thread above.
ミニスポットエアコン mini spot AirCond or ミニエアコン mini AirCond

list of ミニエアコン at Amazon Japan for reference.
by ..@ (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Air-conditioning or spot cooling system 2016/8/1 22:42
those make cool wind to one direction and make hot wind to another direction simultaneously. if you can ventilate hot wind from the room, you can use it. otherwise, the operation will make the room temperature hotter.
by ken (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Air-conditioning or spot cooling system 2016/8/1 23:25
A spot cooler is basically a portable (albeit bulky) air conditioner. They cost about the same as an inexpensive wall-unit air conditioner, but have the advantage of being movable between rooms and can be used in places where you cannot install a permanent unit. They aren't quite as efficient though to cool an entire room; and as ken mentioned, they need to exhaust the hot air somewhere (either out a window or into another room) or they're not gonna work very well.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

Re: Air-conditioning or spot cooling system 2016/8/2 18:56
On the cheap: an uchiwa in one hand and a Garigarikun in the other.
Zeitaku version: a bowl of kakigori in one hand and a spoon in the other, sitting in front of an electric fan.
by Harimogura rate this post as useful

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