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Thinking about going to a Japanese University 2016/8/6 22:47
hello everyone.
I don't know if age matter there but i'm 25 and I recently been thinking about going back to study, and i thought about starting all over in japan.

Since I failed the last year of high school due to some circumstances I never went back to try again, instead I went to get a 2 years diploma in business accounting technician.

So since I do not have a high school degree, any chances to be accepted into a Japanese university using my diploma?
by shiupy  

Re: Thinking about going to a Japanese University 2016/8/7 09:31
I think your age puts you out of the student visa range. I think the limit is 25yo. Someone more knowledgable on these matters will chime in soon. Or you can google it. Japan has everything in English available to read.
by hakata14 rate this post as useful

Re: Thinking about going to a Japanese University 2016/8/7 12:59
I don't think there is any age limit for entering universities. In your case, whether your diploma would be considered "having completed high school" would be the issue. Does that diploma course require that you completed high school (senior high school)? If yes, that means they considered you as equivalent.

Another thing is - unless you are looking for an English language course - you'd need to study the Japanese language (usually 1.5 to 2 years of full-time study in a language school) first before you enroll in a university.

Why in Japan?
by ....... (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Thinking about going to a Japanese University 2016/8/7 19:24
thank you for your answers.
Yes, the diploma course requires being present the entire senior year in high school and take the final exams, whether graduating or not.

Ifm not sure why I picked japan as a target but I donft think itfs a random choice, Ifve been interested in japan for a long time, I think its culture, peoplefs behaviors, the timing on everything, and most importantly the hard working environment they have I think thatfs what attracted me the most.

Yes Ifm aware of the language issue, I already started taking courses and immerged my self into it, I think I should be ready in a year, the reason I asked this question is since I have a year to study the language anyway I thought I can use some of my time as well for getting a high school graduation at the same time, but if I my diploma is enough and acceptable that would save me so much time.
by shiupy rate this post as useful

Re: Thinking about going to a Japanese University 2016/8/7 20:45
So, there are no age limits on studying in Japan - so no problem there.

The difficult thing is whether your qualifications would be acceptable. I work in a Japanese university, and a lot of my work is in program marketing and student admissions. Even so, I don't know whether you would be eligible. I think if the Admissions staff member is kindly, then you might be ok. If they are more strict, then it could be more difficult.

Best thing would be to find your desired program and university, and email them.
by Dainichi Heater rate this post as useful

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