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Getting into Sophia/Waseda/Doshisha/Meiji! 2016/8/9 12:03
Hey everyone! I'm planning to apply to Japanese colleges with English programs (mostly liberal arts- FLA, SILS, etc). I'm 75% Korean and 25% Japanese lol
I have spent 13 years in an international school in Korea. Although my native language is Korean, I feel more comfortable speaking in English since I've spent most of my life in an international school.
I really want to be accepted to two of the colleges I listed :) Waseda, Doshisha, Sophia, Meiji. (Or other recommendations? )
My cumulative GPA is 3.5. I would have had a 3.8 if I didn't screw up 9th grade :p I had a low GPA in 9th grade and my 10th - 12th grade GPA was around 3.7-3.8
My ACT composite score is 24 and my writing (essay score) is 29
I have been a main character for a drama class, took speech class, computer programming class, STEM class (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics combination class/ project-based class) , Economy, and etc. Unfortunately I didn't take any AP classes...
I felt extremely worried about my ACT score since it was lower than I expected.
I was planning to take the last ACT test this June 11th to raise up my score. However, unluckily, the test was cancelled in all locations in Korea and Hong Kong as ACT found evidence of cheating. I've sent the proof that I was registered on the test to colleges, and they said that I can take the September 10th test and send the scores after the deadline as soon as I receive the score. They said that I should send the previous ACT score just in case. I am aiming for score 28 this time
Anyways, would my chance of being accepted to these colleges be high or low?
Thank you so much!
by Park Kang Sung  

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