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Japanese bleach concentration levels? 2016/8/14 12:01

I have been living in Japan for a while and noticed that some types of bleach seem to be incredible diluted. I searched through the ingredients and while I recognized sodium hypochlorite (次亜塩素酸ナトリウム), I could not find its concentration level. Just a list of ingredients.

I am searching for something similar to concentrated bleach (like 6-8%), enough to need to be diluted for use and discolor/bleach clothing when coming into contact.
I want to use it to bleach clothing, so other cleaning methods won't help as its not really my goal.

Any advice will be welcomed.
by Florencia (guest)  

Re: Japanese bleach concentration levels? 2016/8/14 15:22
I know this one is used neat on clothing you want to remove stain from, or generally bleach (to be used only on white items). You can add this to the washing machine together with the regular detergent.

This one is a type you can dilute and soak kitchen dish towel and cutting board or something (thus "Kitchen haitaa"):

They both contain the same active ingredient you mentioned, but interestingly they do no mention the concentration.
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: Japanese bleach concentration levels? 2016/8/14 15:23
Whoops, I failed to mention the product maker and series: it's Kao's "haitaa" series.
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: Japanese bleach concentration levels? 2016/8/14 15:48
Dear AK,

Thank you for the answer. Regretfully it does not help with what I am looking for. The links you are showing me seems to be for very diluted bleach. The same bleach I have been having problems with, the one with a concentration I could not find (seems you could not like either, so maybe it is not listed).

Like I said before, I am looking to discolor clothing, not to remove stains. I am not looking for any alternative methods for cleaning, just bleach to use to discolor clothing. I can tell you that those products are not very good at removing stains, but it matters little since it's not my goal. My main objective is to get bleach concentrated enough (like Clorox) to discolor color clothing. That means putting a color cloth and coming up with a white or at least lighter color cloth.
I have submerged a colored cloth in that bleach and it barely affected it. For that reason, I am looking for something more concentrated.

Thank you,
by Florencia (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Japanese bleach concentration levels? 2016/8/14 16:29
The product pages did not list the concentration at all.

On another page, I found out that the one "Kitchen" Haiter (the one I referred to as "haitaa" earlier) seems to have the concentration of 6% at the time of manufacturing for sodium hypochlorite (次亜塩素酸ナトリウム). The "Kitchen" version is the stronger one.

The "Kitchen Haiter" is listed at the very top of this table:

Maybe that high a concentration is not available as "household" bleach here :(
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: Japanese bleach concentration levels? 2016/8/14 17:14

I see. Thank you, I will try the kitchen version then.

by Florencia (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Japanese bleach concentration levels? 2016/8/14 17:25

by . (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Japanese bleach concentration levels? 2016/8/14 21:26
Kitchen Haita has a sodium hypochlorite concentration of 6%.


I've been known to accidentally wash out the colors of our kitchen towels with it, but it still may not be strong enough for your needs. What you probably need is a product called Mepujia which has a sodium hypochlorite concentration of 12%. It's readily available on amazon:

by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

Re: Japanese bleach concentration levels? 2016/8/14 21:55
"incredible diluted"
I don't think so.
highest concentration is 12 %, but it is unstable at room temperature. it stimulates your nose. fuming, volatile, and toxic. it easily lets iron rust. it is too dangerous for ordinary people to handle it .
when it is diluted with alkaline water (sodium hydroxide solution) to 6 %, the diluted one is rather stable, if it keeps in alkaline condition.

you can buy 12 % solution. but, I don't recommend you to do, if you don't know the chemistry of hypochlorite.
by ken (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Japanese bleach concentration levels? 2016/8/15 00:07
Thanks for the answers! I will check those products out.

I agree that 12% may be too much. I was looking for 6-8%. Just to clarify, when I said "incredibly diluted", I was referring to the bleach I bought, not all bleaches in Japan.
For the one I bought, that was for clothes, I could not read the concentration that it had, but looking at the effects I think it was much lower than 6%. I think I just happen to buy a softer one. I will try to get the ones recommended here for kitchen (not clothes) that seem to be a little stronger.

Thanks again!
by Florencia (guest) rate this post as useful

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