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Immigration wont issue a COE 2016/8/14 17:21
I was hired for a teaching position back in November 2015 that was going to start in April 2016, I received a COE and work visa, then in March 2016 the School wanted a new contract (more work hours, no more money). The school canceled the contract and my visa. In June I get another teaching job apply for a new COE but this time the school says that immigration said to call the previous employer and that they wouldn't issue a COE. Is there some way of finding out if immigration has a ban on me or something?
by Alex (guest)  

Re: Immigration wont issue a COE 2016/8/14 18:44
You need to contact immigration. Since your last COE and visa were cancelled (not expired), this may be a red flag with them.
by hakata14 rate this post as useful

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