
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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How long visa extension application accepted? 2016/8/18 12:47
Does anyone know how long it takes to accept or decline an extension application of a working holiday visa in Japan?

They told me to wait to get it in the mail.

I have already applied but I'm still waiting on a letter of acceptance (or decline), it's been 3 weeks.

Is this looking bad for me?

How long did it take for yours to be accepted (if only the past 1-2years) or how long does it take for it to be accepted or declined?

Also, if declined what are the reasons?

by nervous (guest)  

Re: How long visa extension application accepted? 2016/8/18 13:51
Just wait for the answer, there is absolutely no point in speculating.
by Firas rate this post as useful

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