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Can I get accepted at Waseda University? 2016/8/20 14:55
I am an undergraduate student from India. My major is Computer Science Engineering. I have around 70%(B Grade) in my academics. I would like to apply for english-based master's program in computer science at Waseda. Waseda being one of the top universities in japan, is it hard for me to get an admission there, with my academic score?
by Rama Likhita (guest)  

Re: Can I get accepted at Waseda University? 2016/8/22 17:22
Top Japanese universities don't accept students based on scores alone. They will have you undertake a plethora of tests and interviews which is very good news if your low score was accidental.

If you usually get 70% though it's probably unlikely you'll get accepted.
by S King rate this post as useful

Re: Can I get accepted at Waseda University? 2016/8/23 20:59
What is the minimum undergraduate academic score needed so that chances of getting accepted in waseda graduate school will increase ?
With how much percentage (approximately) would be good to apply ?
by Rama Likhita (guest) rate this post as useful

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