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Where to find streetwear brand stores 2016/9/4 17:40
I know Japan has a huge fashion culture and I'm really into streetwear so I'm looking to pickup some raw selvidge japanese denim first off, so looking for stores for that, also I'm looking to find stores like BAPE and Supreme, I know Bape is Japanese so they must have a store there, not sure about Supreme. Also want to find where the nicest minimalist kind of high end fashion stores are, styles similar to this:

or something similar.

Oh and this is purely for men's fashion, thanks!
by Josh (guest)  

Re: Where to find streetwear brand stores 2016/9/5 11:51
There are 19 BAPE stores in Japan, mostly in the main cities. There is one in Shibuya. Google and they have a store list and map. They also have a facebook page and a twitter account.
by LoveJapan (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Where to find streetwear brand stores 2016/9/5 13:32
You want to go to the streets behind Omotesando for this sort of fashion. I've seen similar things in Nakameguro too.
by krr (guest) rate this post as useful

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