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Japanese Pilgrimage Music
2016/12/7 05:53
Hello, I recently completed the Shikoku 88 temple pilgrimage. I am now making a video with all of my photos. I would like to have Japanese music in the background with my photos. Unfortunately i'm not that familiar with Japanese artists and songs. If anyone knows any artists or more specifically Japanese songs that they think could fit this theme, could you please share them with me. Any style or artists that you think would be good is ok. Thanks in advance.
by Sanchez (guest)
Re: Japanese Pilgrimage Music
2016/12/7 10:53
If you want pure instrumental tracks (no singing), try music by artist like Kitaro, or a group called Hiroshima. Search in YouTube like "best of Kitaro" or "best of Hiroshima" will result in lots of choices.
by Mei (guest)
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Re: Japanese Pilgrimage Music
2016/12/7 18:42
Thank you. I'all look at these. I'm also interested in ones with singers / bands.
by Sanchez (guest)
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