
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Dependent visa employed overseas 2016/12/22 14:27
I have some questions that would like to seek everyone expert advice.

1. If a person is on dependent visa, is it possible for he/she to engage in working activities outside of Japan, for example he/she still employed overseas but coming over as a dependent spouse and working from home?

2. Will the same earnings/working hours limit applicable in such case?

3. In view of the difficulties applying for nursery/kindergarten in Japan, for the above case, how can one proof the spouse is also working?

Thank you so much.
by Jc (guest)  

Re: Dependent visa employed overseas 2016/12/22 16:11
Working remotely for foreign employers is a legal gray area; go ask immigration.
by Firas rate this post as useful

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