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Travel from Kyoto to Ise
2017/3/31 23:50
Dear all, I plan to visit Ise from Kyoto around the end of November. I prefer to take the Kintetsu limited express train. My questions are: 1. Does it worth to pay extra for the Shimakaze? or regular limited express is alright? 2. For buying ticket and seat reservation, should I do in advance via internet or I can do it at the Kyoto Kintetsu station shortly before I leave for Ise?
Thank you for every answer. Art.
by Art (guest)
Re: Travel from Kyoto to Ise
2017/4/1 12:08
Does it worth to pay extra for the Shimakaze?
If you like trains, yes. It is a very special train. Otherwise: possibly no.
For buying ticket and seat reservation, should I do in advance via internet or I can do it at the Kyoto Kintetsu station shortly before I leave for Ise?
There is a risk that the train is sold out. It depends on the date and train. So, if you travel on a busy date, an advance reservation (via internet or at a Kintetsu ticket counter) is recommended. But if the train is not booked out, it is also possible to make the seat reservation just before departure.
by Uji
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