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Driving from Hachinohe to Sendai 2017/7/16 00:46
I am considering renting a car in Hachinohe, driving to Jodogahama Beach. Spending one or two nights there, then continuing the drive south, dropping the car in Sendai.

Is this a realistic idea? How are the roads? Would I be able to do the drive from Jodogahama Beach to Sendai (or Matsushima) in one day or is that rushing things? I'm having a hard time figuring out whether there are passable roads in this area.

If anyone has traveled along this coast (by car, train or bus) and could provide me with some insight, I'd greatly appreciate it.
by internetwiz  

Re: Driving from Hachinohe to Sendai 2017/7/16 15:25
We're doing the same in two weeks, but in the opposite direction. However, I decided that Sendai-Miyako (Jodogahama) is too long, so we're doing Furukawa Station to Miyako instead. Even with that distance I expect barely any time to rest and sightsee.
One piece of advice: never trust the durations of driving that Google Maps suggests. They're always wrong. Japanese versions of navigation map sites (such as Mapfan, etc) give double the time for the same distance. And so does the car navigation.
by AlexanderStankov rate this post as useful

Re: Driving from Hachinohe to Sendai 2017/7/16 22:18
It is not different up to 2 times, but the distance is not wrong,
you should calculate the average speed at 35km/h in day time
and 45km/h at night on the general road(not toll).

"Google MAP" suggested average speed nearly 60km/h is wrong, too faster exactly.
Sea side National Road "R45" signals is fewer, very smooth.
(except weekday morning and evening rush)

And, No need for 2 nights at Jodogahama Beach.
Miyako is small town.
by 960si (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Driving from Hachinohe to Sendai 2017/7/17 01:34
Thanks for both of your insights. After looking at the map (albeit a terrible one) again, I think I'm going to try to drop the car at either Hiraizumi or Ichinoseki, after stopping at Geibi-kei Gorge. I'm still tweaking what to do, but I appreciate your input.
by internetwiz rate this post as useful

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