
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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What drink did this restaurant give me 2018/1/14 19:54
I'm at a relatively small restaurant in Shibuya and when I was seated I was handed a glass with some light brown liquid, and long table had several jugs of it being regularly topped up. When I watched a new jug being made, the man filled about 1/10th of the jug with black liquid and the rest with water. What is it?
by Errol (guest)  

Re: What drink did this restaurant give me 2018/1/15 09:34
Was the taste a bit roasted? If so, it might have been barley tea. Itfs called mugicha in Japanese and widely available. If you want to taste it again (or compare the taste to what you did drink just ask in a combine for gmugichah. There are different uses that all taste a bit differently, but I personally like the all ;-)

Enjoy your stay in Japan!
by LikeBike rate this post as useful

Re: What drink did this restaurant give me 2018/1/15 14:37
maybe amasake?
by Glimpigumpi rate this post as useful

Re: What drink did this restaurant give me 2018/1/19 03:16
My money is on mugicha :)
by reprazent rate this post as useful

Re: What drink did this restaurant give me 2018/1/25 04:24
From the description it sounds like mugicha, delicious!
by Hoshisato rate this post as useful

Re: What drink did this restaurant give me 2018/1/25 15:11
Ah, mugicha. One of the pleasing facts of Japanese restaurants that it's served refreshingly iced even during cold weather.
by Moccy rate this post as useful

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