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Sick in Shibuya - Where to get plain foods? 2018/1/27 01:24
I think I've gotten food poisoning, looking for some plain food such as vegetable broths, peppermint/chamomile tea or something to help soothe myself. Any idea where I could buy some?

Also are there any places that serve porridge? A quick search on Okayu doesn't show anything on Google :(.
by Timothy (guest)  

Re: Sick in Shibuya - Where to get plain foods? 2018/1/27 13:23
You should find simple food in many convenience stores. Eg there is white cooked rice. Also tea bags can be found.
For porridge I donft know a place that serves it, but you can buy it at Kaldi and prepare it in your accommodation. Kaldi is also well stocked on teas and foreign food so you might be able to find some soothing food from your country there. Eg crackers...

Get well soon!
by LikeBike (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Sick in Shibuya - Where to get plain foods? 2018/1/27 14:14
All the convenience stores sell packed porridge as well.
by .. (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Sick in Shibuya - Where to get plain foods? 2018/1/27 18:39
I Love Ministop.So you can check out them.For your Sickness,I think you dont give sufficient time on meal.
or you eat Junk Food Most of the Day.I am not against Fast Food.But Research say ,its not good for Health
or If you have no time to eat Breakfast,Lunch and Dinner-You must Be sick.No Doctor can help you.
However,We Thousands of Foreigners Living in Tokyo,Buy Bulk amount of Food item,Fruits,vegetables etc From Super Market.Thousands exists in Tokyo.such as ,Costco,Donki,Yfs Mart,OK Supermarket,Ozeki Supermarket,Hanamasa,Yamaya,Gyomu Supaa etc.All of them,You will get plain foods.If you have no time
to prepared your own meal,Then this Hyper Market is one of the solution.
by Jack (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Sick in Shibuya - Where to get plain foods? 2018/1/28 12:40
Sorry to hear of what happened.

As mentioned, you should be able to get tea bags and pre-cooked "kayu" in packages (to be reheated) at convenience stores (or for herb tea try the basement of department stores near the station), I hope you have a kitchenette or water heater in your room?

For porridge, this one seems to be known (closed on Saturdays).

Best wishes for a quick recovery.
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: Sick in Shibuya - Where to get plain foods? 2018/1/28 15:56
I recommend you to a drug store or a department store instead. There are many in Shibuya. They often carry retort pouch porridge and soups as well as bags of tea that is health conscious. The department stores, of course, also sell ready-to-eat soups. There are also "natural food store" branches that sell healthier food.

What part of Shibuya are you located at? You should also ask for assistance at your hotel if you're staying in one.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Sick in Shibuya - Where to get plain foods? 2018/1/29 12:49
I won't go into details, but I've been to that particular porridge restaurant in Shibuya, and I would definitely not recommend them.

Ready-made pouches of okayu are available at supermarkets and convenience stores - just pour the contents into a bowl and microwave for two minutes. They're very inexpensive, and come in a variety of flavors like egg and salmon.
by Umami Dearest rate this post as useful

Re: Sick in Shibuya - Where to get plain foods? 2018/1/29 18:32
I've been to the porridge restaurant in Shibuya a few times and love it and would/have recommend it to others, but it's pretty much authentic Hong Kong style and is not light at all. So in this case, I agree that the OP should avoid it.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: Sick in Shibuya - Where to get plain foods? 2018/1/31 00:49
It's flu season, so are you sure you have food poisoning? Phone your travel insurer and they may order you to go to A&E. They will advise on your best course of action.

Please wear a mask when you go out, if unwell.

Konbinis do have simple foods. Kinokuniya International supermarket, Aoyama has plenty of stuff that you won't find elsewhere if you have cooking facilities. They have tins of soup and I'm pretty sure they have exotic teas.

by D. (guest) rate this post as useful

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