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osaka/kyoto/kobe in January with baby 2018/2/2 22:40
Hi guys,
I am planning to travel with a 6month old baby to osaka/kyoto/kobe during early January. Since itfs going to be winter, would love to ask how the baby should be dressed during winter in Japan? Any tips? Thank you
by Jo (guest)  

Re: osaka/kyoto/kobe in January with baby 2018/2/3 12:18
Osaka usually ranges from a low of 0 degrees (C) to 11 degrees ( about 30 to 52 F) in January. From what I can tell usually kyoto and kobe are around the same if not a little warmer for the lows. I would dress your baby warmly, but for most of the day it should be 5/6 C (40-43ish F) or warmer as the day goes on, so as far as January weather goes it's very mild.
by DanJpan rate this post as useful

Re: osaka/kyoto/kobe in January with baby 2018/2/4 00:32

Osaka can be cold in January and once the sun sets the temperature will drop. I've been to Osaka/Kansai in January a few times.

Always make sure to have a hood or hat on your child and mittens or some sort of hand covering/blanket as well as something covering their feet. I use to use a stroller and a blanket to keep mine warm in the Winter here. My favorite stroller was not travel friendly without a car, but my umbrella stroller was great and weighed under 10 lbs. (4.5 kg)

I think the biggest issue is if you don't stay in a hotel, in my experience many Japanese apartment complexes in the Kansai area have terrible insulation and no central heat. Now my friends might have just had low end apartments, but it's not something I would want to risk paying for on vacation.

I'd recommend staying in a hotel in January. I found it much warmer and cozier than when I stayed with friends and nearly every hotel doesn't charge for children under 1.

Good luck!
by rkold rate this post as useful

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