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Renewing Spouse Visa 2018/2/4 18:55
Can anyone help me find the required documents needed to renew a spouse visa for someone who is self employed? I had the bookmarks saved in a folder but they are all 404ing.

by kelupechos  

Re: Renewing Spouse Visa 2018/2/4 21:08

I cannot find the English one, but the above is the Japanese page.

1. Application form
2. Photograph
3. Koseki tohon of the Japanese spouse
4. Resident tax (payment) certificate of the Japanese national
(If the Japanese spouse is not able to provide this, the applicant can bring their own tax payment certificate.)
5. Letter of guarantee by the Japanese national
6. Japanese spouse's "juminhyo" with everyone in the household in it
7. Show passport
8. Resident card
9. (1) "Hanko" stamp of the guarantor

For 4., in our case (both myself = the Japanese national = and my non-Japanese spouse are self-employed), I took like two years' worth of my tax filing papers (copies) and tax payment certificates (issued by the city/ward hall), just to show our income situation is "stable."
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: Renewing Spouse Visa 2018/2/7 12:07
Thanks AK.

That's exactly what I was looking for!
by kelupechos rate this post as useful

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