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Speech to my High School 2018/3/19 20:40
Hi everyone! こんにちは!
So basically im doing an high school exchange in osaka. I have to do a 1 minute speech to my school, but I am still a beginner at Japanese. So I was wondering if anyone would be able to help me with my speech and translate the English parts into Japanese for me? Thank you SO much! This is what I have so far. It's still in its drafting days, lol. its shit aha, im trying my best though!

皆さん、こんにちは!初めまして。私の名前はCassandraです. Saraと呼んでください。オーストラリア人です。I have only studied Japanese for 1 year, so....すみません、私の日本語まだ下手ですが、がんばります!I am this years exchange student. I am staying in Japan untill August. My goal of my exchange is to understand lots about Japanese culture, have fun, make lots of friends and eat lots of ramen! Australia is really pretty! There is a lot of sheep and mountains and desert. Australians love the beach, we often go swimming. We have very laid back culture. You all you should come and visit.
I will be joining Year * Class *. I want to make lots of friends, and enjoy my high school life in Japan. If you want to, please help my choose a club to join! If you want to, please come and say hello to me, I love meeting new people!
by AlaSaara (guest)  

Re: Speech to my High School 2018/3/20 13:37
I am happy to help, but for this kind of language help, I find it useful that you try your hand at the Japanese speech first (the parts you still have in English), and someone here (including myself) corrects "serious" mistakes. This is because if we just translated it into perfect Japanese, the new class in Japan will assume that your Japanese is THAT good, and will start from there :)

Would you want to give it another try at the rest of the sentences? (the ones you've got so far look pretty OK)
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: Speech to my High School 2018/3/20 14:48
I agree with AK, and at the same time, the great thing about making speeches is that you can say only the things you are capable of saying. Many of your sentences can be re-worded so that they will be easier to translate. Or in fact, you don't even have to say them at all.


I have only studied Japanese for 1 year
I studied Japanese in 2017. I did not study Japanese in 2016

My goal of my exchange is to understand lots about Japanese culture, have fun, make lots of friends and eat lots of ramen!
My to-do list: Learn Japanese culture. Friendship. Eat ramen!

Hope it helps.
by Uco rate this post as useful

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