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Best way to apply to English schools/jobs? 2018/5/8 22:17
Ok, so I plan to start applying to some jobs and I realize that most people send out emails first and then follow up with a phone call to the school and that other people do it the other way around.

I learned a hard lesson when I first came to Japan about 3 years ago that English schools in Japan (for the most part) are NOT cool with walk-ins. I'm not planning to do that ever again.

Anyway, since Japan is pretty strict about rules and unwritten laws, etc. Is there a best way to go about applying to an English school or job in Japan in general?

Do companies here respect you more for calling first and emailing your resume after or emailing them the resume first and following that up with a phone call?

When I was in China, I did a mix of calling first, emailing first and walk-ins as well, which all resulted in successfully scoring English teaching jobs. Obviously, China and Japan are like day and night, so I thought I would ask people on here for their 2 cents with regard to how things are done here in Japan?
by blondesurferboy  

Re: Best way to apply to English schools/jobs? 2018/5/10 12:03
Generally you should apply to postings online using the requested method (email or online form) and wait to be contacted. Cold-calling/mailing doesnft go over great in Japan. There are many sites that will list available positions.
by Vita (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Best way to apply to English schools/jobs? 2018/5/11 02:58
The problem with this is that I live in Shizuoka City, which doesn't have a lot of English schools that provide online advertising.

There were only like 2 online ads I saw for schools hiring here and they already found new teachers.

Since most of the smaller Eikaiwa don't post online ads... I'm kind of stuck with no choice but to do some cold calling...
by blondesurferboy rate this post as useful

Re: Best way to apply to English schools/jobs? 2018/5/11 04:27
They must post ads somewhere... Have you tried your local Hello Work?
by Firas rate this post as useful

Re: Best way to apply to English schools/jobs? 2018/5/11 12:40
Have you looked on Gaijinpot?They have a long list of English teaching jobs, Admittedly a lot are in Tokyo, but quite a few aren't . Maybe you are going to have to travel a little to another area, until one comes up in your city.
by LoveJapan (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Best way to apply to English schools/jobs? 2018/5/11 17:11
Yes, I have known about Gaijinpot, Ohayo Sensei, Dave's ESL Cafe and many other sites for years.

I haven't seen many English schools in Shizuoka posting on any of these.

I have gone to Hello Work twice in the past and they only found me one school that was hiring, but that was after having me wait there for about 3 hours filling out endless forms.

I'm planning to go to Hello Work as a last resort. I don't think you can just call in. They require you to physically go there every time...well that has been my experience.
by blondesurferboy rate this post as useful

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