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Where can I send my anime novels? 2018/6/15 04:13
I have finished some of my anime novels and some of them are still on going, I know how to draw but im too busy on my work and my only time is creating an anime novel, just wondering where I can send it for a review.
by shiraishi (guest)  

Re: Where can I send my anime novels? 2018/6/15 17:20
Anime is animation. Do you mean manga like comics?
by H (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Where can I send my anime novels? 2018/6/21 19:49
If you mean novel length fan fiction based on an anime, you can put them on one of the many online fan fiction sites. If you mean an original novel using anime tropes, try finding online critique partners or editors in writing forums then query agents for traditional publishing, or look into self publishing.

If youfre writing in English, itfs very unlikely youfll find editors or publishers in Japan.
by Vita (guest) rate this post as useful

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