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Kamakura day trip 2018/8/13 22:28


I am interested in a Kamakura day trip this september. Some considerations just in case someone can help me:

1) It would be a sunday. For some reasons it can't be on a weekday. Is this that bad concerning crowds? Or is it a place with manegable crowds?

2) We can leave early if neccesary from Tokyo. Maybe around 7.30 to get there around 8.30h. We would like to be in Shibuya around 19h. Is this a decent amount of time spent in Kamakura? We usually prefer to visit fewer things but slowly. We travel with 2 children (9 and 7 year old)

3) I have read that a convenient way to visit is stopping at kita Kamakura station and then walk up to Kamakura station visiting some temples in the middle. And then the giant Budha.
Concerning crowds, is it better to do it in this way? Or is it better to do the opposite, finishing in Kita Kamakura?

Anyway, any basic advice on how to organize this daytrip would be appreciated.

Thanks a lot!
by Peppo (guest)  

Re: Kamakura day trip 2018/8/14 11:01
(1) Sundays are more crowded, but it is manageable. Sometimes you want the crowd for more lively atmosphere.

(2) You can always start early, but note that most shops in Japan don't open until 10:30 or 11:00.

(3) It depends on which temples you want to visit (there are lots in Kamakura). Also, were you planning to take a train or a bus to the Giant Buddha, or walk? I suggest the Enoden train from Kamakura station. So tour the temples near the Kamakura station first, then walk back to the station to hop on the Enoden train.

See another useful post here: https://www.japan-guide.com/forum/quereadisplay.html?0+164284
by G10 (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Kamakura day trip 2018/8/14 11:59
Since you have younger kids, I would actually recommend starting at Enoshima, working your way toward Kamakura, and you probably won't actually make it to Kita Kamakura (but that's OK, you can't see everything in day!)

Enoshima is pretty cool. First off, if you transfer in Ofuna, you can ride the last 15 minutes on the inverted Shonan monorail that rides way off the ground and leans around corners. And then kids should enjoy walking across the pedestrian bridge to the island and climbing the stairs through the Shrine and large Torii gates. Sometimes you will get lucky and can see Mt. Fuji in the distance. There's a neat little shopping street on the way in that serves lots of seafood I've never seen before. See if you can convince your family to try some of it!

Next, ride the classic green Enoden train to Hase station. Hase-dera Temple and the great Buddha are just a short walk. Hase-dera is a beautiful temple and even has a fairly large (but low) cave with interesting carvings and statues in it. Kids will love that part. And they can try to find all the smiling Buddhas. And then of course the Great Buddha is impressive to anyone.

Next I'd head to Kamakura station and visit Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gū, which is the biggest main attraction in Kamakura, as well as the grounds around it. Near the station there is a lot of shops and restaurants that you can visit on the way.

And everything might start closing at this point. if not, you can plan one more backup thing to visit before crowding on the train back to Tokyo.

by TW (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Kamakura day trip 2018/8/14 16:02


Well, my first idea is:

1) Arrive at Kita Kamakura and spend some time in Engaku and Kenchoji. Both or should I skip one?
2) Walk down to Hachiman. I am interested in Shogunate so I want to visit it.
3) Wander around the main street and have lunch
4) Take a bus to the great Budha from Kamakura Station
5) Visit Hasedera
6) Take an enoden train to Kamakura and then a JR to Shibuya.

Is this a reasonable itinerary?

I am skipping some interesting stuff in order to make it easy (Hokoku ji, hiking trails and also Enoshima)

I guess that I'll have to come back in another japan trip and explore Enoshima which seems quite appealing. But because of this I prefer to spend more time than I would actually do in this itinerary.

In general I prefer to visit fewer places but spend more time. This is why I am asking if this is too much or it is ok.

Thanks again!

by Peppo (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Kamakura day trip 2018/8/15 01:51
Hi! I did the exact same route in 2015 as you are suggesting. Here are some pointers

1. Because you have kids, I don't suggest walking from Kita-Kamakura to Hachiman because it is a pretty long walk and much of the way there is no sidewalks. The walk is also a tad boring after awhile so the kids might not enjoy too much. If you must make a stop at Kita-Kamakura, then I suggest hopping back on the train.
2. I like TW's plan and work backward. Enoshima is pretty crowded island but it has a small main street to the shrine, and it has the observation tower and aquarium for the kids. The Enoden is something the kids will love because you literally can shake hands with residents living next to the train line.
3. The Great Buddha and Hasedera are great places too with the cave in Hase that is a little creepy but good for kids.
4. By doing what TW suggested, I suggest taking the Shonan-Shinjuku Line all the way to Shibuya. I took this line in 2017 and it is long, but direct.

Good luck on the trip planning!
by Villagemayor rate this post as useful

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