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Money transfer overseas - From overseas? 2018/8/18 16:06
I left Japan and need to transfer a large amount of money from my Shinsei bank account to my Australian account. Silly me, even after living in Japan almost 5 years naively thought this wouldn't be complicated.

I can't set up Shinsei's online international transfer from overseas.

GoRemit, despite not saying so anywhere in their terms and conditions, requires you to be residing in Japan.

PayPal is just too expensive.

What are my options ??
by PucchoGumi  

Re: Money transfer overseas - From overseas? 2018/8/19 12:26
Does TransferWise exist for Yen vs AUD? I know it exist for Yen - EUR. with them you just need to do a domestic transfer to them in Japan in Yen and a few days later you get your money in EUR in my case. When I set it up I was resident. Not sure if thatfs a requirement.
by LikeBike (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Money transfer overseas - From overseas? 2018/8/19 14:06
[EDIT] Sorry, Brastel Remit not Go Remit. Can't edit my post for some reason ... >_>
by PucchoGumi rate this post as useful

Re: Money transfer overseas - From overseas? 2018/8/19 14:08

It seems Transferwise requires you to be a resident but I emailed them yesterday to confirm
by PucchoGumi rate this post as useful

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