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Travel to Tohoku in Oct 2018 2018/9/25 00:23

I will be travelling to Tohoku in 2wks time and have researched on some bus routes but need some clarifications from the Japan experts here.

1) I saw this link for bus from Hachinohe station to Lake Towada bus stop. Does this means the last bus is at 1.20pm? Seems a bit early.

2) For the bus from Tazawako station to Nyoto Onsen, where should I get off if I am staying at Ogama Onsen?

3) For the bus from Tazawako station to Tamagawa Onsen, is the last bus at 2.20pm and arrive at 3.35pm?

Thank you.
by JuzTrue  

Re: Travel to Tohoku in Oct 2018 2018/9/26 07:27
On points 1) & 3), you are reading the linked time tables correctly.

As for Ogama Onsen, based on a quick Google search, if this is the one you're referring to it says to get off on the Nyuto Onsen stop, which is the second to last stop on the route map on your link (Note that it's *not* listed on the time table above; it falls between the last two times listed on the table.)
by gfoulk rate this post as useful

Re: Travel to Tohoku in Oct 2018 2018/9/26 21:37
Thank you so much. So i should stop here - T ?
by JuzTrue rate this post as useful

Re: Travel to Tohoku in Oct 2018 2018/9/27 20:35
Sorry for hijacking this thread.

I am also traveling to Towadako from Hachinohe in October this year.
For the JR bus from Hachinohe to Towadako, is advanced seat reservation required? Or can we directly show up at the bus stop?

Thank you!
by Thiag (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Travel to Tohoku in Oct 2018 2018/9/27 21:09
During kouyou, I would recommend reserving your seat. I would also recommend starting your own thread and not hijacking another one. More people would read your own thread.
by John B digs Japan rate this post as useful

Re: Travel to Tohoku in Oct 2018 2018/9/28 00:29
Is there English website to reserve the bus from Hachinohe to Lake Towada?
by JuzTrue rate this post as useful

Re: Travel to Tohoku in Oct 2018 2018/9/28 01:52
You can reserve it when you arrive to Japan. You can go to the JR travel centers in the stations to get your ticket/reservation.
by John B digs Japan rate this post as useful

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