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Bottle of Australian Honey into Japan
2018/10/7 19:28
Can I bring a jar of Australian Honey into a gift. I live in a country town and local honey is collected is in a glass bottle and labled. I am not sure of Quarantine regulations as to bringing in such an item as a gift...thank you in advance.
by Barrieaw
Re: Bottle of Australian Honey into Japan
2018/10/9 16:23
I do not know what UPC is? is a jar of Honey..labled with the product name and type of Honey...sold in food shops here in Australia..'made in Australia'..
by Barrieaw
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Re: Bottle of Australian Honey into Japan
2018/10/9 17:18
if the bottle has a certificated label, 検査証明書, which shows it is OK to export, issued from your government, you can bring it into Japan. I am suspicious that products, sold in local markets, may have such a label. many site says that honey from Australia is a typical souvenir and that honey sold at duty free shops in airports may have a label.
by ken (guest)
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Re: Bottle of Australian Honey into Japan
2018/10/10 12:41
| such markings on my is Honey produced in my country are...processed as in taken from the Bee Hives..and sold at local shops and is pure delicious Honey..nothing added..thank you for your replies..I will take a couple of jars for gifts and see how i go..thank you!
by Barrieaw
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Re: Bottle of Australian Honey into Japan
2018/10/10 12:58
A upc is a barcode.
The product needs to be a commercely manufactured and sealed product.
A jar of homemade stuff from the sunday markets wont cut it.
by hakata14 (guest)
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