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Visiting Naoshima around mid-January 2018/10/9 20:21
hi! im really interesed visiting naoshima island during my stay in japan - 08/01-23/01.
does anyone have an idea how is the island that time? is it still worth a visit? is there anything specific i should know? i would love to hear also reviews from pepole who visited around that time..
thank you all!
by Barak1984  

Re: Visiting Naoshima around mid-January 2018/10/10 14:20
The only difference to other times of the year is that the vegetation is barren.
by Uji rate this post as useful

Re: Visiting Naoshima around mid-January 2018/10/10 15:37
Like Uji said, most locations are open (just make sure it's not the day where some stuff is closed - normally mid week from memory). I visited in Feb a few years ago and found it enjoyable - albeit a little chilly.
by mfedley rate this post as useful

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