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Kakunodate or Zao Onsen for autumn colours? 2018/10/10 21:52
Hi all,
I have accommodations available at both Kakunodate and Kaminoyama onsen for the dates 23rd to 26th Oct, 2018.

In Kakunodate, I am interested mainly in exploring:
1. Akita Nairiku line
2. Dakigaeri gorge
3. Samurai residential area

In Kaminoyama, interested in below places:
1. Okama crater
2. Zao onsen town
3. Kaminoyama castle, and other places in town

Which of the above two places will be the right time to seeing the autumn colours? Its my first time visit to both places.
by Thiag  

Re: Kakunodate or Zao Onsen for autumn colours? 2018/10/12 13:00
My recommendation is Kakunodate.
It is around October 23 to 26, in Zao the autumn leaves will be over.
It is a best time to see at the Kakunodate.
by LinaLisa rate this post as useful

Re: Kakunodate or Zao Onsen for autumn colours? 2018/10/12 16:23
Thanks LinaLisa for your suggestion! Highly appreciated :)

Reason for sticking to Zao is that, I have never seen a volcano before, and I thought it would be nice to visit Okama crater in my itinerary.
by Thiag rate this post as useful

Re: Kakunodate or Zao Onsen for autumn colours? 2018/10/15 10:37
Hi Thiag!I’m glad to help.

The autumn leaves season may have ended, but Okama is a very wonderful place, so please do go.
Zao Onsen can be very relaxing.Outdoor bath is recommended.

by LinaLisa rate this post as useful

Re: Kakunodate or Zao Onsen for autumn colours? 2018/10/16 02:57
Thanks again LinaLisa for helping me decide!

Zao looks more interesting now :)
by Thiag rate this post as useful

Re: Kakunodate or Zao Onsen for autumn colours? 2018/10/30 23:16
Hi LinaLisa, I visited Zao onsen ropeway and did the hike to Okama crater and back. OMG really enjoyed the hike and the view of Okama crater! There was plenty of autumn colours to enjoy at Zao onsen too.
Thanks for your suggestions!
by Thiag rate this post as useful

Re: Kakunodate or Zao Onsen for autumn colours? 2018/10/31 15:37
Hi Thiag!

I'm happy to hear that!
Very glad that you enjoyed Zao.
Tohoku has many attractive places, so come back again :)
by LinaLisa rate this post as useful

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