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Requirements for Religious Visa 2018/10/11 02:03
Hi there, I would like to know if I need an official qualification to apply for a Religious Visa in Japan. I have 2+ years of work experience and completed short courses and my first year towards my BA in Theology. I do not have a degree yet. Would this be a problem? I already have a religious institution I will be joining in Japan and I currently work for one full time, in my home country... would my VISA Application be declined because I do not have a full qualification or would they consider my experience sofar?

Hope this makes sense.
Best regards
by Cogareth (guest)  

Re: Requirements for Religious Visa 2018/10/11 11:46
There are requirements which you need to have, like any other visa.

The permitted activities under a Religious Activities Visa consist of missionary and other religious activities conducted by foreign religious workers who have been dispatched to Japan by a foreign religious organization (http://www.japanvisa.com/visas/japan-religious-activities-visa)

I believe you should arrange this with your organization which is dispatching you.

by justmyday rate this post as useful

Re: Requirements for Religious Visa 2018/10/11 15:24
"Religious Activities" has no degree or experience requirements.
by ... (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Requirements for Religious Visa 2018/10/11 21:45
I think you need to have supports form the two religious organization. one is in your country and anther is in Japan.
when both organizations guarantee you in religious and financial aspects, you may have a visa.
I think this is analogous to student exchange between universities.
by ken (guest) rate this post as useful

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